Seven Labours of Liberty - A Breathtaking Musical

Immersive Theatre by Independent Collective Artists of Los Angeles and Hasht Media

Join us for a remarkable night at the theatre as we, the Independent Collective Artists of Los Angeles, partnered with Hasht Media, present "Seven Labours of Liberty." This is not just a production - it is a movement that recreates the decades-long struggle for freedom in Iran. Through this powerful narrative, we aim to present the untold stories of the Iranian community and their extraordinary resilience.

The Powerful Narrative of Seven Labours of Liberty

The production provides a stirring narrative of the Iranian people's resistance against dictatorship and oppression since 1979. Witness the struggle through captivating dialogue, enchanting poetry, emotive music, expressive dance, and striking visual art. Our talented cast brings to life the perspective and voices of those who have suffered due to the unjust actions of the regime.

Inspired by the Epic of the Persian Kings

Drawing inspiration from the revered "Epic of the Persian Kings" (Shahnameh), the heroes of our play echo the rich cultural roots and legendary figures of Iran. The seven acts of "Seven Labours of Liberty" each symbolize a spark of hope, a call to action against the regime that has spanned four decades.

The Power of Theatre: Supporting the Iranian Community

This production is more than a theatrical performance; it is an opportunity to lend your support to the Iranian community and connect with their story on a deeper level. Experience the power of theatre, as it lays bare human emotions and struggles in their rawest forms.

Get Your Tickets Today

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the profound narrative of "Seven Labours of Liberty." This is more than a play; it's a wake-up call for humanity, showcasing the strength of the Iranian people and their relentless pursuit of liberty. Secure your tickets today for "Seven Labours of Liberty."

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