Kosar Abbasi

Kosar Abbasi, the founder, is an inspiring figure whose life story embodies the pursuit of passion and freedom. Born in southern Iran in 1984, Kosar discovered her love for dance at a young age. Despite facing societal pressures and cultural restrictions, she persevered and followed her calling.With the support of her father and later her mother, Kosar embarked on a transformative journey. She left Iran and traveled to India, where she witnessed the liberating power of dance. Her talent was soon recognized, and she became one of the highest-paid performers in India, winning numerous awards along the way. Driven to share the beauty of her cultural roots and empower others, Kosar continued her artistic journey in Malaysia. She captivated audiences and became a symbol of strength and self-expression. Later, she moved to Los Angeles, combining her passion for dance with spirituality, yoga, and meditation.Kosar's artistic path intersected with technology when she embraced the KLX app. Through this platform, she aims to inspire individuals to honor and celebrate their bodies, regardless of their past experiences.Kosar Abbasi's story reminds us that movement is essential to life and that pursuing our passions can lead to personal and societal transformation. Her journey inspires all who seek to break free from societal constraints and find their own unique path to happiness and fulfillment.

Her Full Story:

Kosar Abbasi, a visionary and founder, has a story that epitomizes the power of determination and the pursuit of one's true passion. Born in 1984 in southern Iran, Kosar's journey began with a deep love for self-expression through physical movement. From a young age, she embraced every opportunity to dance, explore the limits of her body, and convey her emotions through graceful motion. However, growing up in a conservative religious culture posed numerous challenges for Kosar. As she entered adolescence, societal pressures forced her to suppress her passion for dance. Authorities and influential figures scolded her, insisting that women should keep their passions to themselves, maintain modesty, and refrain from sensual or sexual expressions through dance. Despite the cultural backlash, Kosar couldn't silence the spirit that moved through her and demanded to be set free. Dance was her true happiness, and she knew life without it was no life at all.

Her Family:

In a remarkable turn of events, Kosar's father, witnessing her torment, courageously stood by her side and offered his unwavering support. He encouraged her to challenge the prevailing beliefs and traditions, even if it meant going against him. He recognized the importance of women asserting their rights and breaking free from societal constraints. With his heartfelt words, he gave Kosar the permission and strength she needed to pursue her dreams.

Becoming Mother’s Champion:

Kosar's mother, initially apprehensive about her daughter's chosen path, also became a staunch advocate for her aspirations. As a teacher, she instilled in her students the importance of excellence and hard work. Over time, she realized the significance of supporting Kosar's fight for her rights and women's rights everywhere. In 2004, after years of living through a revolution, Kosar's mother changed her stance and became Kosar's greatest champion.

With her parents' blessing, Kosar embarked on a transformative journey. At the age of 19, she left her familiar surroundings behind and ventured alone to India. It was there that she witnessed a liberating sight—the uninhibited movement of women dancing to the beat of the music without fear of persecution. The absence of tension and terror in that moment represented true freedom for Kosar.

The First Dance:

Unable to resist the call of the music, Kosar joined in a party and danced publicly as a woman for the first time. Her performance caught the attention of a talent booker, and she was soon hired to perform at a prestigious New Year's Eve party in 2005. From that moment, Kosar's reputation grew rapidly, and she found herself performing all over India, captivating audiences on television, stage shows, and special events. Her talent and passion earned her recognition and accolades, making her one of the highest-paid performers in India.

The Performance:
After seven years of incredible success in India, Kosar made the difficult decision to move to Malaysia, where she could reconnect with her cultural roots. Immersed in the vibrant expat community, she became grateful for the beautiful aspects of her culture and the Green Movement that arose in response to the injustices faced by the people in her country. Filled with purpose, Kosar realized she had a responsibility to share the beauty of her cultural heritage and empower suppressed individuals worldwide through dance and self-expression.However, when her government discovered her fame as a dancer, she was unjustly labeled a refugee. Despite the heartbreak, this only fueled her determination. Kosar's performances became even more intense and captivating, making her the toast of Malaysia, entertaining top communities and even the royal family.A few years later, Kosar moved to Los Angeles, California, where she continued to perform at a high level, immersing herself in the entertainment industry. Alongside her dance career, she delved into the art of yoga and meditation, deepening her spiritual practice. She found inspiration from renowned spiritual teacher Osho and joined the Fusionart movement after encountering world-renowned artist Rassouli. As the managing director of Fusionart International, Kosar channels her creativity into uniting opposite energies and blending diverse platforms of expression.

The Progress:
Once in Malaysia, she became excruciatingly grateful for the beautiful aspects of her culture and the Green Movement that arose in response to so many people being cruelly tortured, beaten, and shot in her country. These artistic young people were just like her, focused on liberation and self-expression. She was filled with a sense of purpose, the awareness that she had a responsibility to deliver what she knew was missing in her country and share it with her people and to anyone who’d been suppressed. She realized that because dance is an international language, it could defy barriers and cultures. Kosar began to use dance and the body’s movement to show the world the beautiful side of her cultural roots and bring the world into harmony. However, when it was discovered by her government that she’d become a famous dancer, she was dubbed a refugee. This broke her heart and continued to be a source of fire that prodded her performances to become even more extreme. Soon, she was the toast of Malaysia, entertaining the top communities and royal family.

Practice in Fusion Art:

Kosar's inspiring journey reminds us that movement is the essence of life itself. As humans, we were created to move, and it is through movement that we find our truest selves. She defied societal norms and broke free from cultural constraints to embrace her passion, using dance as a universal language to bridge divides and bring harmony to the world. Kosar Abbasi's story is a testament to the power of perseverance, self-expression, and the pursuit of freedom. Kosar's inspiring journey reminds us that movement is the essence of life itself. As humans, we were created to move, and it is through movement that we find our truest selves. She defied societal norms and broke free from cultural constraints to embrace her passion, using dance as a universal language to bridge divides and bring harmony to the world. Kosar Abbasi's story is a testament to the power of perseverance, self-expression, and the pursuit of freedom.